Fishing in Alaska with Fisherman's Choice Charters

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Houston, Alaska, United States
With over 30 years experience, Lead Fishing Guide Ray Blodgett and his Coast Guard-licensed crew, feel privileged to have been able to spend decades becoming familiar with three of the most fertile salmon fishing rivers in the world; the Little Susitna River, the Deshka River and the Talkeetna River, all located in the Matanuska Valley of south central Alaska. They know where to go! They know where the seasonal hot spots are and how to safely get you there. And every day that Fisherman’s Choice Charters is fishing on one or more of these pristine waterways, a complete and accurate fishing report will be provided to our clients. . For reservations or inquiries, call 907-892-8707 or email us at Fisherman's Choice Charters

Fishing Reports

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fly Fishing 08/12/11

Irish men are fishing on a lake one day when the one's line snags on something.
He pulls it up and discovers that its a lamp. His friends gets excited. "Rub it! There might be genie inside!"
So he does and sure enough out pops a genie. "I will grant you one wish" says the genie in a mystical voice.
The Irish man gets all excited and doesn't even hesitate. "I wish this whole lake would turn into beer!"
The genie waves her arms and 'poof!' the entire lake is turned into beer. The genie dissipates.
With a smug grin on his face the Irish man turns to his friends,
who are far less impressed.
They hit him upside the head.

"You idiot!" they say, "Now we have to piss in the boat!"

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